A Name Remembered

“That’s why no one will remember your name.”

-Achilles (portrayed by Brad Pitt), Troy, 2004

I saw a post on social media today ridiculing memes featuring Brad Pitt and the above quote, and it got me to thinking about something.

Achilles was, according to legend, the greatest warrior alive at the time of the Trojan War. He was also vain, selfish, and impulsive. His priority was his own glory, and gaining fame and renown for himself.

Hector, his Trojan rival and counterpart, was also highly competent at the art and artifices of war, and Achilles was only able to defeat him with the greatest of effort. Hector was much more than a self-serving warrior, however. He was a great leader. He was a dutiful son. He was a loyal brother. He was a devoted husband. He was a loving father. He was a kind, compassionate man who chose courage because it was the right path, and his people depended upon him.

Achilles used his unsurpassed skill to serve only himself and his own glory. Hector served others.

Who is the man we should remember? I believe it is Hector. Would I rather be a man like Hector and lose than be a man like Achilles and win? Plainly, yes.

Pure strength and pursuit of victory are only a portion of a life well-lived. Virtue matters. Excellence in solitude is hollow, and the value of our skills is measured in their worth to people and purposes beyond ourselves.

Hector’s name is a name to remember.

For a more detailed look at Achilles and Hector, check out Brett McKay’s thoughts over at The Art of Manliness.

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