Unprecedented: He Did WHAT?!?

A General reminding his subordinates that there is a procedure to be followed regarding nukes, and demanding they follow it? Easily defensible. That’s not the real story here. Calling a Chinese General without authorization and assuring him our government was stable, while simultaneously promising to provide them early warning in advance of any US attack?Continue reading “Unprecedented: He Did WHAT?!?”

What Precisely Is It That We Must Never Forget?

The “Falling Man” was one of your fellow citizens. On this day 20 years ago he was an office worker, probably settling in to his cubicle when evil men attacked him simply because he was an American. He survived the initial explosion, but could not escape the building. This man, who was probably very muchContinue reading “What Precisely Is It That We Must Never Forget?”

What Just Happened?

I’ve spent most of my adult life at war, fighting for lost causes. I gave the decades of my youth to strive for that in which I generally believed, alongside men I loved and respected. I regret none of it, but days like today I do feel a bit old, tired, and discouraged. For thoseContinue reading “What Just Happened?”